Here’s an easy way to turn a routine workout into a powerful waist-whittler: Drink green tea.
That’s right. Ditch the Gatorade and instead sip several mugs of the green stuff throughout the day. Research shows that the wonder duo of green tea and exercise may target belly fat better, so it shrinks more easily than with exercise alone.
Fat-Busting Brew
In a study, overweight adults who engaged in an exercise program for 12 weeks lost more belly fat if they also drank green tea daily. The green tea seemed to boost overall weight loss and triglyceride control in the study group, too. The magic amount of tea needed for the effect? Enough to get about 625 milligrams of catechins plus a little caffeine every day (roughly 7 cups daily)
This sounds well and good, but who has time for 7 cups of tea a day? Especially while you're trying to get your 8-10 glasses of water in! This is a pill solution waiting to happen. Enter Mega T pills:

I've actually tried these before, but not consistently so I can vouch for their efficacy or not. But I do wonder how much of the weight loss success can be attributed to filling up on hot water all day. It must be considered.
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