Monday, April 12, 2010

My New Strategy: Interval Training

Published by Mary at 11:10 AM

Now that the 30-day shred is over, I'm finding myself feeling a bit nervous. I'm so exciting about my new muscle tone and level of overall fitness and I don't want it to go away! In addition, I'm still 15 to 20 lbs away from my goal, so I have to push harder than a maintenance level routine.

I've been hearing a lot about interval training, so I'm giving that a go. The word is that the method delivers results by using shorter, more intense workouts. Supporters say it's better for burning fat than long, moderate intensity workouts. So pain for 20 minutes vs. discomfort for an hour... Which would you choose?

"A lot of the (benefits) from exercise are due to a stress response," said Stephen Bailey, a sports sciences expert at the University of Exeter. "If you disturb your muscles, there's an imbalance created and your body will start signaling pathways that result in adjustments."
Bailey said intense bursts of exercise help the body to convert one type of muscle fiber into another type that uses oxygen more efficiently and is capable of exercising a lot longer. Even though interval training only takes a few minutes, its effects last for hours.
"You've exercised at such a high intensity that you're going to create a massive disturbance in your muscles," Bailey said. That creates a higher metabolism for several hours afterward, which the body will bring down by burning fat and carbohydrates.
 Read more at MSNBC

To start, I've crafted 30-minute routines that consist of 1 minute of intense activity followed by 30 seconds of rest. Below is the list of exercises I did for my first workout - 5 intervals each. Note: some is linked to a YouTube video for demonstation.
I was incredibly sore the following day, which I hope means I'm on the right track. Certainly, during the workout I really had to push myself. My plan is to do interval training every other day in addition to my yoga practice (5-6 times per week).

If you want to try this, you'll need a timer. There are several on the market or if you have a smartphone you can download an app.


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