Sunday, February 22, 2009

This is Me: Week 3

Published by Mary at 10:34 AM

Okay, let's just be realistic. A daily blogger, I am certainly not. But I will keep to at least posting my weekly photo updates. Happily, this week I actually DO see a difference! Do you agree? (Click to see what I looked like two weeks ago).

While I haven't done the crazy meticulous planning, I did go shopping to make sure that my lunches, at least, were healthy: turkey sandwiches with lettuce, swiss cheese and deli mustard and raw baby carrots. And my breakfasts were generally just raisin bran with soy milk and a banana. I didn't really feel like I was on a diet, but my calorie intake was definitely reduced.

I didn't do a lot of working out, but I did take a few walks and yesterday I did some yoga and an aerobics class. Afterward I went to the store to buy some diet pills. After looking at the labels (and the price tags) I couldn't help but think they were just a gimmick. Every one of them tells you to drink 10 glasses of water a day, reduce your calories, and start exercising... um, ok. so WHY do I need some pill for that? Well, if one can curb or kill by appetite, it might be worth it. I hear hoodia products do that.

This week I'll see if I can put the two together - reduced calorie AND working out. I feel encouraged and motivated to get that size 6 body!!!


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